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This is a simple game that can be enjoyed by all net-loving folk.
Simply pick a random domain, and see what's there.
Scoring is arbitrary, but allow me to offer some pointers. A site is considered *really* good if:
- it is a single page
- it has no purpose
You lose points if the domain exists, but is being camped on by some wanker, or if it's a totally corporate site.
Some of our most wonderful finds are now unfortunately gone, but some survive, including:
Big trouble
Dotcomschmotcom.com (reload this)
Yourethemannowdog.com (not actually technically a random find, but soo cool)
And of course the list goes on.
You can even play the Random Domain Name Game online now. Click here for a taste.
Got a RDNG find to share with the world? Email me.
Also, check out Nathan's RDNG page (it was the page I ripped the above graphic off :D).