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I'm a cynical old gen Xer. Part nerd (geek and dag too, but not dork), part muso, part hippy, part grumpy old man. Thanks to my mate Nathan, I'm also a character in a web comic. I live in Brisbane, a big country town with delusions of grandeur.
In my spare time I teach Taekwondo, ride my bike and play guitar, bass and drums for a lark. I've also become quite a keen photographer since taking year off to travel around Australia. I shoot all sorts of things, from landscapes and birds to music and martial arts.
I've been in the IT caper for many years, and while I have a ton of Internet programming experience, I am also a true generalist (and their ain't that many of us left in IT). I also seem to dress a lot like Mr Sharp (my old computer teacher), but I feel this is more an example of convergent evolution than imitation.
For a crust I currently program super-sekrit stuff for the QLD Government. I also used to write for The Australian newspaper and Dan's Data (a hardware review site of some infamy). I'm also available for freelance copywriting work and other specialised tech writing jobs.
I've debated making this website more 'employer friendly' and straight down the line, but that wouldn't be any fun at all, would it? If you would like to employ me, I promise that I can be professional from time to time. I'll even wear a shirt to work (shoes are negotiable).